The Need
A company manufacturing building panels had issues with packs being dropped in the warehouse and were particularly concerned about safety, as well as the product damage that was occurring. Their investigations indicated that, among other things, procedures, training and risk assessments were sketchy and did not cover all tasks. They wanted to create procedures for everywhere that forklifts were used on site so that they were consistent and standardised. They had their own corporate templates that they were required to follow.
The Solution
By interviewing managers of the warehouse and manufacturing areas, the OH&S Manager and some of the forklift drivers, it was identified what tasks were performed and a list of procedures was developed. Key background information that warehouse personnel needed to know to perform their job effectively was also identified, creating the major headings for a warehouse manual.
It was decided to create the following package:
- a risk assessment to correspond to each procedure, which included an evaluation of risks for performing each major step in each procedure. These risks would be highlighted in the procedures using symbols and warnings
- an assessment tool that covered knowledge contained in the manual, the risks and key points for tasks. A demonstration of each task was also required to achieve competency.
Managers, forklift drivers and maintenance personnel were interviewed, tasks were observed being performed, whilst taking photographs to be incorporated into the materials. The manual, procedures and assessment tool were drafted based on the information gathered. The Document Controller and Safety Manager were consulted to ensure documents met corporate and safety requirements. All materials were then reviewed by relevant personnel, amendments made and approved and uploaded to the company document management system and intranet, ready for implementation.
The Client Said: