The Coastal Sailing Discovery Learning Guide provides a fast, structured, and practical way to learn coastal sailing. If you plan to go coastal sailing, realise you have a lot to learn and don’t know where to begin, this book provides a learning plan to guide you. You can build on your learning in a logical progression and tick off activities as you go. So you can head off on your adventure sooner!
The Coastal Sailing Discovery Learning Guide not only gives you topics but prompts you to research, consider the options, practice, and develop the resilience you need to deal with unpredictable circumstances. It doesn’t spoon-feed answers, but gives hints and challenges so you can search them out. It is practical-based – you don’t learn sailing by sitting in the yacht club bar “talking’ ’bout the things you’re gonna do.” Beginning with the basics of getting to know your boat, preparing equipment, sailing, working with nature, communicating and safety, you progress through to passage planning, provisioning, managing water, waste and power and managing different sailing situations. As a bonus, the Guide also includes samples of checklists, procedures and a maintenance plan that you can customise to suit your situation.
How do you use the guide?
Read through an activity or question and decide whether you know the answer. If not, go out and do the activity, or find the answer, either from an experienced sailor or the resources suggested. Practice until you’re confident then demonstrate to an experienced sailor. Then tick it off and move on to the next one.
Make a start on your new life
Many coastal cruisers will tell you that the joy of the lifestyle is that every day brings surprises, both delightful and challenging. So begin discovering now, getting a head start with a targeted, fast way to learn.