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Second Season: Sailing from Mooloolaba to Cairns


1 pdf copy of book Second Season: Sailing from Mooloolaba to Cairns by Rosemary O’Donoghue

Aus sailing: 2 men chat on the beach on Middle Percy Island at sunset
If you’re Aus sailing make sure you visit Middle Percy Island

With one season of Aus sailing under our belts we have so much more to learn. Come join us as we venture north from Mooloolaba to Cairns and back again. Meet the sailing community and learn along with us as you enjoy the lifestyle from your armchair or begin to plan your own journey.

We’re excited to be on the water again in beautiful Queensland. Last year when we sailed our first season, (see North on Rocinante), almost everything was a first. This year we have checklists and “guidelines” about the type of weather we venture out in. Still, we research and agonise endlessly about when to leave port. We visit some familiar places but seek out different anchorages where possible. We meet up with old sailing friends and make new ones along the way, who teach us more about the sea and sailing in Australia.

Of course, when you’re dealing with the elements, regardless of the amount of preparation you do, nothing is predictable with certainty. So we have times when we can’t believe our good fortune and times when we wonder why we’re doing this. (But never for long). We never lose the wonder of being in a remote anchorage with the panoply of stars above.

If you enjoyed North on Rocinante and you want to read more, Second Season will take you on a new journey and show you more of the varied experiences you might encounter if you go Aus sailing yourself.

Or, if you’re seriously thinking of sailing along the coast of Aus, prepare yourself with my Coastal Sailing Discovery Learning Guide. As well as valuable checklists, it provides a learning plan to prepare you and your boat for your own adventure.